Given the limited resources, the Ministry has prioritised the following outcomes from the National
Development Plan II. The prioritised outcomes are below summarised sets out all the
outcomes for the energy and extractive sector,
16-3 By 2021, 85% of Somaliland urban households and industry will have access to electricity
8 - 2 By master plan will be developed for the Power Sector
4 - 4 By 2021, 70% of University and TVET Students participating in Energy and Extractive courses will
understand sustainable development principles for the sector
7 – 4 By 2021, the average tariff for each customer class of the electric service provider in Somaliland will
be reduced by 30%
7 – 6 By 2021, reduce each ESP system technical energy losses through new infrastructure investment by
7.5% over 2016 levels
7 – 1 By 2021, 85% of Somaliland urban households and industry will have access to electricity
7 – 2 By 2021, 25% of Somaliland rural households and industry will have access to electricity
7 – 3 By 2021, 10% of national energy generation will be provided by renewable energy sources
8 – 2 By 2021, 5% of Somaliland's land-mass will have been explored for minerals
9 – 2 By 2021, the number of licensed prospective small-scale miners in Somaliland will increase by 50%
8 – 8
By 2021, the approved and endorsed legal and regulatory framework will attract USD100 million
business investment and financing commitments for the mineral and petroleum industry
4 – 4
By 2021, 70% of University and TVET Students participating in Energy and Extractive courses will
understand sustainable development principles for the sector