Ahmed Saeed mohamed
The principle responsibility of the Mineral department of MoEM is to regulate and promote the development of the Mining sector through sustainable exploration and exploitation of mineral resources of the country in an environmentally responsible manner.
The Mineral Department activities includes:
- Issue and manage various mineral licenses and permits.
- Oversee and monitor all mining exploration to ensure adherence to licensing terms and compliance with Mining Act and Regulations.
- Carry out geological investigations and promotional activities to attract investment in the exploration and development of Somaliland’s mineral resources.
- Establish a national Geoscience database by collecting, interpreting, preserving,
- and disseminating the relevant information for the development of the country’s mineral resources and for public and private use
- Provide effective and reliable analysis and assaying services in support of the mining sector for institutional, public and private use.
- Promote the development and technical training of citizens in all areas of the mining sector to enhance the local contents and creating experts for various sections of the Mining industry.
Mineral Department Structure
1.1 The Mineral Department has four sections:-
- GIS and Remote Sensing Management
- Geological Survey
- Licensing and Regulations
- Mining and Mineral Control
- Mineral Laboratory
2 GIS and Remote Sensing Management
One of the key sections of the Mineral Department is the GIS and Resource Management, which primarily responsible gathering all satellite imagery, geological, geo chemical, geophysical and other relevant data.
Following are the section’s key elements:
- Documenting and implementing standard operating procedures for data collection and data handling.
- Increase the interpretability and accessibility of existing natural resources information.
- Implementing and applying quality control quality assurance measures for data collection, processing and reporting.
- Scheduling regular project milestones such as data collection periods, data processing target dates and reporting schedules
- Coordinate the development and changes to mining resource databases and field forms.
- Create categories and sub-categories of classified information and its dissemination.
- Manage the archival process to ensure that project documentation, original field forms, databases, and reports are archived regularly.
3 Geological Survey
This section is mainly responsible for the implementation of geological field surveys to identify the mineral resources of the country utilizing all available sources including remote sensing data, geophysical tools, and existing geological maps. Other key functions include:
- Geological and Geochemical survey of the mineralized areas and delineate the potential zone for mineral exploration
- Geo-physical surveys in search of mineral deposits, environmental studies, etc. Resource estimation by pitting/trenching and drilling
- Engineering geology and geo-hazards studies
- ceramic waresof production uses, training, and industrial for evaluation and prospecting Clay
- .
4 Licensing and Regulations
The Licensing and Regulations are responsible for the licensing process and issue with the compliance of existing laws and regulations. One of the chief activities is maintaining the accuracy of the mineral cadastral system. The section has the overall supervision of:
- Maintain and administer the mining companies' repository Prepare guidelines for license and permits applications
- Implementation of license applications in compliance with relevant regulations and guidelines
- Update and inform license and permit holders on matters including rent fees, renewals, licensing validity, or other relevant license matters.
- Advising Government and relevant Government agencies on technical matters and public policies that may have an impact on the administration of mining licenses and permits.
This section processes and issues the following licenses and permits:
- Dealership License
- Dealership Processing
- Reconnaissance License
- Exploration License
- Small Scale Mining License
- Mining License/Lease
- Retention License
- Artisanal Permit
- Quarry Permits

5 Mining and Mineral Control Section
This section does two main important responsibilities:
One is the Mining unit, which their primary work is to supervise and inspect the compliance of Artisanal miners, quarry operators, and mining companies.
On the other hand, all minerals extracted shall be audited and verified by the export documents, and royalties are paid accordingly.
This section has also offices in the main gateways like the ports and airports. Other activities of the section include:
- Supervision and monitoring of all the mining operations, and also control of illegal mining in the country.
- Inspect the quarry operations to ensure environmental mitigations are in place maintaining records on mining industry operations, particularly on matters relating to mining reserves, production/exports, licenses, and leases.
- Conduct gem evaluation, verification, and certification
- Training Artisanal and Small-scale Minerals on safe mining procedures and standards.

6 Mineral Laboratory
The main function of this section is to audit the quality and quantity of minerals produced by large, medium and small-scale miners. It provides laboratory services commercially to mineral explorers, miners, mineral traders, buyers and exporters.
Services Offered
- Sampling
- Sample preparation (crushing, compacting and analysis )
- Drying
- Determination of gold and silver contents in bullion, geological/exploration, soil and concentrate samples using EDX6000B
- Determination of base metals in geological/exploration, soil and concentrate samples using by EDX6000B
- XRF determination of elements of the periodic table in metallic samples, including gold, copper, iron, nickel, zinc, tin, chromium, lead and various compounds
- Rock and mineral identification.