I warmly welcome you to the Ministry of Energy and Minerals’ website of the Republic of Somaliland. I hope you find this website helpful during your visit.

The Ministry of Energy and Minerals is responsible for managing the nation's energy resources (both renewable and non-renewable), minerals, and petroleum, ensuring their sustainable use. This is a crucial responsibility since responsible resource management can be a catalyst for the economic growth and development of Somaliland.

The Ministry is also in the process of implementing a Power Master Plan for the entire country, with a particular focus on Hargeisa, our capital city. The project's goal is to develop a credible power master plan for Somaliland that will guide the country's introduction and implementation of modern, cost-effective, and reliable electricity supply systems over a 20-year planning period. This will help to address the current lack of electricity access in many parts of our country while also ensuring that future energy needs are met. The project is being funded by the World Bank, demonstrating international support for Somaliland's energy sector.

Overall, the Ministry of Energy and Minerals is taking important steps to improve Somaliland's energy sector. Through the implementation of the Power Master Plan and the responsible management of extractives, the Ministry can help ensure that the country's energy needs are met and that economic growth and development are supported.

Hon. Minister Eng Ahmed Jama Bare

Ministry of Energy and Minerals

Republic of Somaliland